Happy Friday, and happy long weekend! The weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend, and I’m really looking forward to being able to spend some more time outside! This week was a bit more relaxed at the ccg, with midterms going on and some staff away right now. My week was mostly spent working to get ready for building our new accessible bed! We’ve been meeting to go over plans, taking inventory of what materials we already have and what we still need, and working on finishing up the removal of the old bed as well as salvaging wood from old pallets! We’re almost ready to start building, and I’m getting very excited to finish up this project. There are a few things that need to happen first though, mostly involving materials that we don’t already have in the garden. One of those is that we are on the hunt for 16 cinderblocks! If anyone knows of anywhere we might be able to find some cinderblocks for free, please reach out! We’re also looking to source some fabric, which will go on top of wooden slats and chicken wire to provide a base for the soil in the tabletop-style garden bed. We’ve reached out to some cafes about using some of those big burlap-y coffee bean bags, but are open to other possibilities! If anyone has any ideas, let me know! On Tuesday we had our biweekly board meeting, and even added a few new members to our board! We discussed what we’ve been working on, voted on some upcoming projects, and reviewed our budget for this year with our new board members! If you’re interested in getting more involved with the garden, becoming a board member is an awesome way - feel free to come out to board meetings even if you aren’t sure about being a member, they’re open to everyone and are a great way to get to know the behind-the-scenes of our work at the ccg :) On Thursday we had the first of our biweekly collab events with the Society for Students with a Disability (SSD)! This week we focused on seed saving, and in two weeks (Oct 24th) we’ll be doing a tea making workshop! Join us between 1-3pm for a chill afternoon of chatting, learning, and hanging out! This afternoon we had another weekly volunteer work party! This week’s focus was on transplanting potted plants into their forever homes in the garden! If you’re interested in lending a hand in the garden, come out to one of our Friday work parties! They’re drop-in style, usually held between 2-4pm, and are the best way to get familiar with the space, meet others who are interested in gardening, and learn new skills - there’s no experience necessary, and everyone is learning together so the vibe is very relaxed! If you have any questions about volunteering, reach out to us! Coming up this week, we’ve got a garlic planting workshop on Wednesday! For this one we’ll be in the garden planting some of the garlic we’ve saved from our harvests this season. We’ll share our tips and tricks, answer any questions you might have, and have a lovely time together in the dirt! No sign-ups are needed, just show up for 2pm ready to learn! That’s all I’ve got for this week :) I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend!!
Happy gardening, Jessi
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