We’re always looking for opportunities to connect and strengthen our relationships with different parts of the UVic and local community, be it through clubs, local initiatives, or advocacy groups. The gardens are a great site for all kinds of activities from art to entomology.
Email [email protected] if you’re interested in doing a project or bringing your class or group to the garden!
Here is a list of some groups we have partnerships or relationships with:
Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group
Since 2017, the community garden has hosted a three bin compost system built and maintained by VIPIRG. Their goal is to empower students to take responsibility for their own nutrition and encourage students to grow food wherever they can, and we are thrilled to be able to support VIPIRG with this project. To find out more, go to their website.
Vic Compost Ed
Claire from Victoria Compost Education centre is helping us finally realise our dream of having a Compost Toilet! As of January 2024, it's in the midst of construction, and alongside Compost Ed's wealth of knowledge, we will be trying our hands (well - maybe not literally) at vermicomposting!
Email [email protected] if you’re interested in doing a project or bringing your class or group to the garden!
Here is a list of some groups we have partnerships or relationships with:
Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group
Since 2017, the community garden has hosted a three bin compost system built and maintained by VIPIRG. Their goal is to empower students to take responsibility for their own nutrition and encourage students to grow food wherever they can, and we are thrilled to be able to support VIPIRG with this project. To find out more, go to their website.
Vic Compost Ed
Claire from Victoria Compost Education centre is helping us finally realise our dream of having a Compost Toilet! As of January 2024, it's in the midst of construction, and alongside Compost Ed's wealth of knowledge, we will be trying our hands (well - maybe not literally) at vermicomposting!
UVSS Food Bank and Free Store
Ever wondered if you could find the veggies we grow elsewhere on campus? The garden has 10 designated plots called the giving gardens where we grow food to donate to the UVSS food bank! In 2023, we donated over 900lbs of fresh produce, and we're around 500lbs for 2024 so far - less heavy squash this year, but still lots of food! ;)
UVic School of Environmental Studies
Since 2008, a number or Environmental Studies classes have conducted field exercises at the campus community garden.
ES 429 (Urban Ethnoecology) includes a lab exploring and building hot compost, sheet mulches, and vertical gardens.
ES 481 (Introduction to Permaculture Design) students cover the origins and theory of Permaculture, and get an introduction to permaculture design methods. Students in the group called Camas Collective created a permaculture design specifically for the Campus Community Garden as part of their class project!
Ever wondered if you could find the veggies we grow elsewhere on campus? The garden has 10 designated plots called the giving gardens where we grow food to donate to the UVSS food bank! In 2023, we donated over 900lbs of fresh produce, and we're around 500lbs for 2024 so far - less heavy squash this year, but still lots of food! ;)
UVic School of Environmental Studies
Since 2008, a number or Environmental Studies classes have conducted field exercises at the campus community garden.
ES 429 (Urban Ethnoecology) includes a lab exploring and building hot compost, sheet mulches, and vertical gardens.
ES 481 (Introduction to Permaculture Design) students cover the origins and theory of Permaculture, and get an introduction to permaculture design methods. Students in the group called Camas Collective created a permaculture design specifically for the Campus Community Garden as part of their class project!
Some student groups and campus clubs have plots at the Community Garden, including:
We've also been happy to collaborate with or host other student clubs, advocacy and affiliate groups, and their fun events! Here's just a few collabs and clubs we've hosted over the last few years:
- Uni 101
- Ecological Restoration Club
- Horticulture Club
- Multifaith Centre
- you?? We'd love to host or collaborate with more clubs!
We've also been happy to collaborate with or host other student clubs, advocacy and affiliate groups, and their fun events! Here's just a few collabs and clubs we've hosted over the last few years:
We love hosting clubs at the garden even if it's just to provide the space - it's a fantastic way of letting students know we're here! If you want to host an event at the garden, reach out to us via our contact page or email [email protected]! |