There are 90 plots at the garden, including individual allotment gardens, communal “giving gardens” for volunteers and food bank donations, and garden plots used by advocacy groups and classes. Rentals are open to active UVic students, faculty, and staff. A regular size plot is 3x4 metres, and a half plot is 3x2 metres.
Don't feel nervous about committing to a whole year! If you know that you will be away for a long period of time (like the summer) we can sublet your plot and it will be waiting for you when you return. If you would like a plot, please sign up for our waitlist by clicking here, or email us your name, email address, and student or staff V# to [email protected]
garden amenities
plot renting process
3. Choosing a Plot: At the garden, after your tour and introduction, you can choose from available plots!
Once you've chosen your favourite, the assistant coordinator will walk you through a membership agreement and UVSS liability waiver, as well as some general garden info. Codes for the gate and compost information, as well as an invite to our Discord, will be sent in an email after your meeting. You can pay the $30 there or later if you don't have a cash or cheque on you, and can get started gardening right away! 4. Communication: You and anyone you're sharing the plot with (if they want to be emailed) will receive occasional emails, about twice a month, regarding garden happenings like renewals, events, free plants, amendments, etc. |